To view logs, trace calls to system contracts and more, Abstract offers a local node.

Running a local node

To get started running a local node, follow the steps below:


Install Prerequisites

If you are on Windows, we strongly recommend using WSL 2.

The node is written in Rust. Install Rust on your machine:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Clone the repository

From any directory, clone the era-test-node repository.

git clone && cd era-test-node

Build smart contracts

You will notice there is a Makefile at the root of the repository containing various commands.

Use the commands below to fetch and build the smart contracts:

make fetch-contracts && make build-contracts

You can now make any changes (such as including logs) to the smart contracts in the contracts directory.


Build the node

To build the binary, run the following command.

Omit clean and build-contracts if you have not made any changes to the smart contracts.

make clean && make build-contracts && make rust-build

Run the node

Once built, the node binary is available at ./target/release/era-test-node.

Run the node using the built binary:


You can also run the node that forks from the current state of the Abstract testnet:

./target/release/era_test_node fork

Network Details

Use the details below to connect to the local node:

  • Chain ID: 260
  • RPC URL: http://localhost:8011
  • ethNetwork: localhost (Add this for Hardhat)
  • zksync: true (Add this for Hardhat)