Create a new application with Abstract Global Wallet configured:

npx @abstract-foundation/create-abstract-app@latest my-app

What is Abstract Global Wallet?

Abstract Global Wallet (AGW) is a cross-application smart contract wallet that users can create to interact with any application built on Abstract, powered by native account abstraction.

AGW provides a seamless and secure way to onboard users, in which they sign up once using familiar login methods (such as email, social accounts, passkeys and more), and can then use this account to interact with any application on Abstract.

Check out the live demo to see Abstract Global Wallet in action:

Try the AGW live demo

Try the live demo of Abstract Global Wallet to see it in action.


Integrate Abstract Global Wallet (AGW) into your application using the packages below.

  1. agw-react: React hooks and components to prompt users to login with AGW and approve transactions. Built on Wagmi.

  2. agw-client: Wallet actions and utility functions that complement the agw-react package. Built on Viem.

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