Abstract Global Wallet
Library Integrations
Abstract Client
Wallet Actions
Session Keys
Hook for creating and managing an Abstract client instance.
Gets the Wallet client exposed by the AbstractWalletProvider context. Use this client to perform actions from the connected Abstract Global Wallet, for example deployContract, sendTransaction, writeContract, etc.
import { useAbstractClient } from "@abstract-foundation/agw-react";
import { useAbstractClient } from "@abstract-foundation/agw-react";
export default function Example() {
const { data: abstractClient, isLoading, error } = useAbstractClient();
// Use the client to perform actions such as sending transactions or deploying contracts
async function submitTx() {
if (!abstractClient) return;
const hash = await abstractClient.sendTransaction({
to: "0x8e729E23CDc8bC21c37a73DA4bA9ebdddA3C8B6d",
data: "0x69",
// ... rest of your component ...
Returns a UseQueryResult<AbstractClient, Error>
The AbstractClient instance from the AbstractWalletProvider context.
The timestamp for when the query most recently returned the status as ‘success’.
The error object for the query, if an error was thrown. Defaults to null.
The timestamp for when the query most recently returned the status as ‘error’.
The sum of all errors.
The failure count for the query. Incremented every time the query fails. Reset to 0 when the query succeeds.
The failure reason for the query retry. Reset to null when the query succeeds.
- fetching: Is true whenever the queryFn is executing, which includes initial pending state as well as background refetches. - paused: The query wanted to fetch, but has been paused. - idle: The query is not fetching. See Network Mode for more information.
Boolean variables derived from status.
Will be true if the query has been fetched.
Will be true if the query has been fetched after the component mounted. This property can be used to not show any previously cached data.
Boolean variables derived from fetchStatus.
Is true
whenever the first fetch for a query is in-flight. Is the same as
isFetching && isPending
Will be true
if the query failed while fetching for the first time.
Will be true
if the data shown is the placeholder data.
Will be true
if the query failed while refetching.
Is true whenever a background refetch is in-flight, which does not include
initial pending
. Is the same as isFetching && !isPending
Will be true
if the data in the cache is invalidated or if the data is older
than the given staleTime.
A function to manually refetch the query.
: When set totrue
, a currently running request will be canceled before a new request is made. When set to false, no refetch will be made if there is already a request running. Defaults totrue
: if there’s no cached data and no query attempt was finished yet. -
: if the query attempt resulted in an error. The corresponding error property has the error received from the attempted fetch. -
: if the query has received a response with no errors and is ready to display its data.The corresponding data property on the query is the data received from the successful fetch or if the query’s enabled property is set to false and has not been fetched yet, data is the first initialData supplied to the query on initialization.
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