The AbstractClient includes a revokeSessions method that can be used to revoke session keys from the connected Abstract Global Wallet.

This allows you to invalidate existing session keys, preventing them from being used for future transactions.


Revoke session(s) by providing either:

import { useAbstractClient } from "@abstract-foundation/agw-react";

export default function RevokeSessions() {
  const { data: agwClient } = useAbstractClient();

  async function revokeSessions() {
    if (!agwClient) return;

    // Revoke a single session by passing the session configuration
    const { transactionHash } = await agwClient.revokeSessions({
      session: existingSession, 

    // Or - revoke multiple sessions at once
    const { transactionHash } = await agwClient.revokeSessions({
      session: [existingSession1, existingSession2], 

    // Or - revoke sessions using their creation transaction hashes
    const { transactionHash } = await agwClient.revokeSessions({
      session: "0x1234...", 

    // Or - revoke multiple sessions using their creation transaction hashes
    const { transactionHash } = await agwClient.revokeSessions({
      session: ["0x1234...", "0x5678..."], 

    // Or - revoke multiple sessions using both session configuration and creation transaction hashes in the same call
    const { transactionHash } = await agwClient.revokeSessions({
      session: [existingSession, "0x1234..."], 


SessionConfig | Hash | (SessionConfig | Hash)[]

The session(s) to revoke. Can be provided in three formats:

  • A single SessionConfig object

  • A single session key creation transaction hash from createSession.

  • An array of SessionConfig objects and/or session key creation transaction hashes.

See createSession for more information on the SessionConfig object.



The transaction hash of the revocation transaction.

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