As Abstract is built on the ZK Stack, you can use the ZKsync CLI to interact with Abstract directly, or run your own local Abstract node. The ZKsync CLI helps simplify the setup, development, testing and deployment of contracts on Abstract.

Install ZKsync CLI

To install the ZKsync CLI, run the following command:

npm install -g zksync-cli

Available Commands

Run any of the below commands with the zksync-cli prefix:

# For example, to create a new project:
zksync-cli create
devStart a local development environment with Abstract and Ethereum nodes.
createScaffold new projects using templates for frontend, contracts, and scripting.
contractRead and write data to Abstract contracts without building UI.
transactionFetch and display detailed information about a specific transaction.
walletManage Abstract wallet assets, including transfers and balance checks.
bridgePerform deposits and withdrawals between Ethereum and Abstract.
config chainsAdd or edit custom chains for flexible testing and development.

Learn more on the official ZKsync CLI documentation.

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