Verify your smart contracts work as intended before you deploy them by writing tests.

Testing Smart Contracts


Update Hardhat configuration

Ensure your Hardhat configuration file is configured to use zksolc, as outlined in the installation guide:

import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync";

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  zksolc: {
    version: "latest",
    settings: {
      // find all available options in the official documentation
  defaultNetwork: "abstractTestnet",
  networks: {
    abstractTestnet: {
      url: "",
      ethNetwork: "sepolia",
      zksync: true,
      chainId: 11124,
    abstractMainnet: {
      url: "",
      ethNetwork: "mainnet",
      zksync: true,
      chainId: 2741,
  solidity: {
    version: "0.8.24",

export default config;

Install zksync-ethers

The zksync-ethers package provides a modified version of the ethers library that is compatible with Abstract and the ZKsync VM. Install the package by running the following command:

npm install -D zksync-ethers

Write test definitions

Write test definitions inside the /test directory, for example, test/HelloWorld.test.ts.

import * as hre from "hardhat";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { Deployer } from "@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync";
import { Wallet, Provider, Contract } from "zksync-ethers";
import { vars } from "hardhat/config";

describe("HelloWorld", function () {
  let helloWorld: Contract;

  beforeEach(async function () {
    const provider = new Provider(;
    const wallet = new Wallet(vars.get("DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY"), provider);
    const deployer = new Deployer(hre, wallet);
    const artifact = await hre.deployer.loadArtifact("HelloWorld");
    helloWorld = await deployer.deploy(artifact);

  it("Should return the correct initial message", async function () {
    expect(await helloWorld.getMessage()).to.equal("Hello World");

  it("Should set a new message correctly", async function () {
    await helloWorld.setMessage("Hello Abstract!");
    expect(await helloWorld.getMessage()).to.equal("Hello Abstract!");

Add a deployer private key

Create a new configuration variable called DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY that contains the private key of a wallet you want to deploy the contract from.

npx hardhat vars set DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY

Enter the private key of a new wallet you created for this step.

✔ Enter value: · ****************************************************************

Use one of the rich wallets as the DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY when using a local node.


Get ETH in the deployer account

The deployer account requires ETH to deploy a smart contract.

  • Testnet: Claim ETH via a faucet, or bridge ETH from Sepolia.
  • Mainnet: Use a bridge to transfer ETH to Abstract mainnet.

Run the tests

Run the tests by running the following command:

npx hardhat test --network abstractTestnet

Running a local node

The zksync-cli package provides a command-line interface for instantiating local nodes.

Run a local node as your test environment is beneficial for many reasons:

  • Speed: Local nodes are faster than testnet/mainnet, increasing iteration speed.
  • Rich wallets: Local nodes come with “rich wallets” pre-funded with ETH.
  • Isolation: Local nodes are separate environments with no existing state.

Run a local node

Docker is required to run a local node. Installation guide ↗

Run a local node by running the following command:

npx zksync-cli dev start

Select the anvil-zksync option when prompted:

❯ anvil-zksync - Quick startup, no persisted state, only L2 node - zkcli-in-memory-node
Dockerized node - Persistent state, includes L1 and L2 nodes - zkcli-dockerized-node

This will start a local node and a development wallet for you to use:

anvil-zksync started v0.3.2:
  - ZKsync Node (L2):
    - Chain ID: 260
    - RPC URL:
    - Rich accounts:

Add the local node as a Hardhat network

Add the local node as a network in your Hardhat configuration file:

networks: {
  // ... Existing Abstract networks
  inMemoryNode: {
    url: "",
    ethNetwork: "localhost", // in-memory node doesn't support eth node; removing this line will cause an error
    zksync: true,

Update the deployer private key configuration variable

Update the DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY configuration variable to use one of the pre-funded rich wallet private keys.

npx hardhat vars set DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY

Enter the private key of one of the rich wallets.

✔ Enter value: · ****************************************************************

Use one of the rich wallets as the DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY when using a local node.


Run the tests

Run the tests on the local node using the following command:

npx hardhat test --network inMemoryNode

Rich Wallets

The local node includes pre-configured “rich” accounts for testing:

Address #0: 0xBC989fDe9e54cAd2aB4392Af6dF60f04873A033A
Private Key: 0x3d3cbc973389cb26f657686445bcc75662b415b656078503592ac8c1abb8810e
Mnemonic: mass wild lava ripple clog cabbage witness shell unable tribe rubber enter


Address #1: 0x55bE1B079b53962746B2e86d12f158a41DF294A6
Private Key: 0x509ca2e9e6acf0ba086477910950125e698d4ea70fa6f63e000c5a22bda9361c
Mnemonic: crumble clutch mammal lecture lazy broken nominee visit gentle gather gym erupt


Address #2: 0xCE9e6063674DC585F6F3c7eaBe82B9936143Ba6C
Private Key: 0x71781d3a358e7a65150e894264ccc594993fbc0ea12d69508a340bc1d4f5bfbc
Mnemonic: illegal okay stereo tattoo between alien road nuclear blind wolf champion regular


Address #3: 0xd986b0cB0D1Ad4CCCF0C4947554003fC0Be548E9
Private Key: 0x379d31d4a7031ead87397f332aab69ef5cd843ba3898249ca1046633c0c7eefe
Mnemonic: point donor practice wear alien abandon frozen glow they practice raven shiver


Address #4: 0x87d6ab9fE5Adef46228fB490810f0F5CB16D6d04
Private Key: 0x105de4e75fe465d075e1daae5647a02e3aad54b8d23cf1f70ba382b9f9bee839
Mnemonic: giraffe organ club limb install nest journey client chunk settle slush copy


Address #5: 0x78cAD996530109838eb016619f5931a03250489A
Private Key: 0x7becc4a46e0c3b512d380ca73a4c868f790d1055a7698f38fb3ca2b2ac97efbb
Mnemonic: awful organ version habit giraffe amused wire table begin gym pistol clean


Address #6: 0xc981b213603171963F81C687B9fC880d33CaeD16
Private Key: 0xe0415469c10f3b1142ce0262497fe5c7a0795f0cbfd466a6bfa31968d0f70841
Mnemonic: exotic someone fall kitten salute nerve chimney enlist pair display over inside


Address #7: 0x42F3dc38Da81e984B92A95CBdAAA5fA2bd5cb1Ba
Private Key: 0x4d91647d0a8429ac4433c83254fb9625332693c848e578062fe96362f32bfe91
Mnemonic: catch tragic rib twelve buffalo also gorilla toward cost enforce artefact slab


Address #8: 0x64F47EeD3dC749d13e49291d46Ea8378755fB6DF
Private Key: 0x41c9f9518aa07b50cb1c0cc160d45547f57638dd824a8d85b5eb3bf99ed2bdeb
Mnemonic: arrange price fragile dinner device general vital excite penalty monkey major faculty


Address #9: 0xe2b8Cb53a43a56d4d2AB6131C81Bd76B86D3AFe5
Private Key: 0xb0680d66303a0163a19294f1ef8c95cd69a9d7902a4aca99c05f3e134e68a11a
Mnemonic: increase pulp sing wood guilt cement satoshi tiny forum nuclear sudden thank


Same mnemonic rich wallets

Mnemonic: stuff slice staff easily soup parent arm payment cotton trade scatter struggle

Address #10: 0x36615Cf349d7F6344891B1e7CA7C72883F5dc049
Private Key: 0x7726827caac94a7f9e1b160f7ea819f172f7b6f9d2a97f992c38edeab82d4110


Address #11: 0xa61464658AfeAf65CccaaFD3a512b69A83B77618
Private Key: 0xac1e735be8536c6534bb4f17f06f6afc73b2b5ba84ac2cfb12f7461b20c0bbe3


Address #12: 0x0D43eB5B8a47bA8900d84AA36656c92024e9772e
Private Key: 0xd293c684d884d56f8d6abd64fc76757d3664904e309a0645baf8522ab6366d9e


Address #13: 0xA13c10C0D5bd6f79041B9835c63f91de35A15883
Private Key: 0x850683b40d4a740aa6e745f889a6fdc8327be76e122f5aba645a5b02d0248db8


Address #14: 0x8002cD98Cfb563492A6fB3E7C8243b7B9Ad4cc92
Private Key: 0xf12e28c0eb1ef4ff90478f6805b68d63737b7f33abfa091601140805da450d93


Address #15: 0x4F9133D1d3F50011A6859807C837bdCB31Aaab13
Private Key: 0xe667e57a9b8aaa6709e51ff7d093f1c5b73b63f9987e4ab4aa9a5c699e024ee8


Address #16: 0xbd29A1B981925B94eEc5c4F1125AF02a2Ec4d1cA
Private Key: 0x28a574ab2de8a00364d5dd4b07c4f2f574ef7fcc2a86a197f65abaec836d1959


Address #17: 0xedB6F5B4aab3dD95C7806Af42881FF12BE7e9daa
Private Key: 0x74d8b3a188f7260f67698eb44da07397a298df5427df681ef68c45b34b61f998


Address #18: 0xe706e60ab5Dc512C36A4646D719b889F398cbBcB
Private Key: 0xbe79721778b48bcc679b78edac0ce48306a8578186ffcb9f2ee455ae6efeace1


Address #19: 0xE90E12261CCb0F3F7976Ae611A29e84a6A85f424
Private Key: 0x3eb15da85647edd9a1159a4a13b9e7c56877c4eb33f614546d4db06a51868b1c
