L1 Rollup Contracts
Learn more about the smart contracts deployed on L1 that enable Abstract to inherit the security properties of Ethereum.
An essential part of Abstract as a ZK rollup is the smart contracts deployed to Ethereum (L1) that store and verify information about the state of the L2.
By having these smart contracts deployed and performing these essential roles on the L1, Abstract inherits the security properties of Ethereum.
These smart contracts work together to:
- Store the state diffs and compressed contract bytecode published from the L2 using blobs.
- Receive and verify the validity proofs posted by the L2.
- Facilitate communication between L1 and L2 to enable cross-chain messaging and bridging.
View all L1 Rollup Contracts
View the full list of smart contracts deployed on L1 that Abstract uses on the ZK stack documentation.
List of L1 Rollup Contracts
Below is a list of the smart contracts deployed on L1 (Sepolia) that Abstract uses.
Contract | Address |
Governance | 0x15d049e3d24fbcd53129bf7781a0c6a506690ff2 |
ERC20 bridge | 0x2ae09702f77a4940621572fbcdae2382d44a2cba |
Shared bridge L1 (1) | 0x3e8b2fe58675126ed30d0d12dea2a9bda72d18ae |
Shared bridge L1 (2) | 0xec089e40c40b12dd4577e0c5381d877b613040ec |
Bridge Hub Proxy | 0x35a54c8c757806eb6820629bc82d90e056394c92 |
State Transition Proxy | 0x4e39e90746a9ee410a8ce173c7b96d3afed444a5 |
Transparent Proxy Admin | 0x0358baca94dcd7931b7ba7aaf8a5ac6090e143a5 |
Validator Timelock | 0xd3876643180a79d0a56d0900c060528395f34453 |
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