The ExclusiveDelegateResolver contract provides functions to read wallet links in your Solidity smart contracts. This allows you to build features like:

  • Checking if a user has linked their AGW before allowing them to mint an NFT
  • Allowing users to claim tokens based on NFTs they own in their Ethereum Mainnet wallet

First, define the rights identifier used for AGW links:

bytes24 constant _AGW_LINK_RIGHTS = bytes24(keccak256("AGW_LINK"));

IExclusiveDelegateResolver public constant DELEGATE_RESOLVER =

Then use one of the following functions to read link information:

Check if an EOA has linked an AGW

Use exclusiveWalletByRights to check if an EOA has an AGW linked:

function checkLinkedAGW(address eoa) public view returns (address) {
    // Returns either:
    // - If EOA has linked an AGW: the AGW address
    // - If EOA has not linked an AGW: the EOA address
    return DELEGATE_RESOLVER.exclusiveWalletByRights(eoa, _AGW_LINK_RIGHTS);

Check NFT owner’s linked AGW

Use exclusiveOwnerByRights to check if an NFT owner has linked an AGW:

function checkNFTOwnerAGW(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId) public view returns (address) {
    // Returns either:
    // - If NFT owner has linked an AGW: the AGW address
    // - If NFT owner has not linked an AGW: the NFT owner address
    return DELEGATE_RESOLVER.exclusiveOwnerByRights(nftContract, tokenId, _AGW_LINK_RIGHTS);